Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Snow Child - notes 20th/sept

How does Carter use symbolism within the story?

she is naked in the snow (no description) as women are just merely sexualised objects...

feminist theory:

-aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experiences
-there has been criticisms that only white, middle class, well educated perspectives have been created by feminists, with no variation; leading to ethnical and multicultural reforms of feminism
-feminist have also campaigned for women's protection against domestic violence , sexual harassment, sexual assault and reproductive rights for women
-feminists argue that mens liberation is necessary to feminism and they are also harmed by sexism and gender roles

look at the language used to describe the Countess, what does she symbolise?

-'glittering pelts of black foxes' - fierce, wearing something 'glittering' to add attractiveness
-'high, black, shining boots with scarlet heels and spurs' s&m, dominatrix, provocative, overtly sexualised

what does the snow child symbolise and how is this shown?

-she represents both the pure/innocent form of a woman and also the impure/corrupted adult
-she can also be said to be described as a universal character, applicable to all females in society

what does the count symbolise?

-the count symbolises the male gender and the fact that women are merely sexual objects
-his perfect woman is pure, but he impurifies her, where he longer becomes interested in his 'desired' child/young girl

how does the Countess attempt to 'get rid' of the girl and why is this significant?

-she attempts to abandon her and asks her to dive into the frozen pond
-the count protects the girl
-this challenges stereotypes of woman as motherly figures who are generally considered to be maternal and nurturing
-this is also significant as it depicts the envy felt by the mother

'I wish I had a girl' is repeated

-fairy tale - what big eyes you have etc
-girl not woman, possession
-'had' - sexually??
-wish for something you can't have
-girls cannot live up to male expectations
-women associated with nature?
-does a man ignore his wife to focus on the child?

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