Wednesday 25 September 2013

Bloody Chamber - notes 5th/sept

The Bloody Chamber/representative of the womb

patriarchy: a social system that is organised to award prestige and power to men

postmodernism: uncertainty, plurality (more beliefs than one) multiplicity

conventions of the gothic relatable to the bloody chamber:

-men are predatory
-similarities to the castle of otranto
-women play the temptress or victim
-rational vs. irrational

key concepts of the story:

-fairy tales are introduced when young, so therefore are well known/identified within the short story of the bloody chamber as a version of 'bluebeard'; not a version but a 'new story'
'old lies based on which new lies have been built'
-demythologising business 'all for putting new wine in an old bottle' radical 

'One is not born a woman but becomes one' - Simone de Beavoir 

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